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Clinical supervision is an indispensable cornerstone of excellence within our private therapy clinic. At the heart of our commitment to providing top-tier care, clinical supervision stands as a crucial mechanism for professional growth, and the delivery of exceptional therapeutic services. At Beretti Therapy, we strongly believe that having a supportive space to discuss clinical work fosters growth and ensures the highest standards of clinical practice. Through reflective dialogue, case reviews, skill development, and ethical guidance, our supervision service empowers therapists to continually refine their expertise, maintain ethical integrity, and enhance the quality of care offered to your clients. 

"A crucial mechanism for professional growth, and the delivery of exceptional therapeutic services"

Clinical supervision

Clinical supervision ensures that clinicians provide the best possible care to their clients. It is a structured, and confidential process whereby a clinician regularly supports and mentors another clinician. At Beretti Therapy, clinical supervision is multifaceted, but always prioritises the needs of the supervisee and their clients'. We help supervisees reach their professional goals, manage workloads, and include the role and importance of personal development. Although the clinic strongly believes in maintaining professional and personal boundaries, we firmly believe that to provide the best care to our clients, being open-minded, engaging in self-reflection, and having professional curiosity are at the core of successful career growth and supervisory relationships. 

Types of supervision

Although supervision is often free-flowing, we sometimes use reflective models as a framework on which supervisor and supervisee can base their reflections. 


  • Gibb's Reflective Cycle: This model involves six stages - description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, and action plan. It encourages practitioners to systematically examine their experiences and consider how they can improve their practice.


  • Kolb's Experiential Learning Cycle: Kolb's model consists of four stages - concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualisation, and active experimentation. It emphasises learning through experience and reflection.​


  • Schön's Reflective Practice Model: Schön introduced the concepts of "reflection-in-action" and "reflection-on-action." The former involves thinking while engaged in an activity, while the latter involves reflecting after the activity. Schön's model highlights the importance of adaptability and improvisation in clinical practice.​


  • Social GGRRAAACCEEESSS (aka Social Graces): The social graces is a tool which was developed to support reflexivity of the intersection and impact of different aspects of identity. The social graces particularly focuses on the intersection between the voice-unvoiced, and visible-invisible difference, and their impact within therapy, team, and everyday interactions. 

    • Gender, Geography, Race, Religion, Age, Ability, Appearance, Class, Culture, Ethnicity, Employment, Sexuality, Sexual Orientation, and Spirituality.​

Find out more about Beretti Therapy services and book your 30-minute free introductory session here.
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